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Sedation & General Anesthesia

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At Waterloo Pediatric Dentistry, the safety and comfort of our patients are our top priorities. In some cases, sedation or general anesthesia may be necessary to provide necessary dental treatment for a child. Our team is trained to administer sedation and local anesthesia in a safe and effective manner, and we will closely monitor your child throughout the procedure. While we understand that some parents may have concerns about sedation or general anesthesia, we want to assure you that we only use these options when they are necessary to ensure your child’s oral health. We will work closely with you to determine the best approach for your child’s needs and provide a positive and stress-free experience for both you and your child.

child under sedation

Laughing Gas Sedation

Laughing gas, also known as Nitrous Oxide, is the most common method of sedation for kids undergoing dental treatment. Your child will wear a nose mask, and breathe in a mixture of laughing gas and oxygen. They will feel “floaty,” and disconnected from what’s happening around them, helping to minimize anxiety, fear, and discomfort.

Laughing gas rarely causes side effects which are minor if they do occur (minor headache, dizziness, or upset stomach). Your child will be given 100% oxygen at the end of the appointment to “flush” the laughing gas out of their system so that they can resume normal activities almost immediately after the appointment.


Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral sedation is a safe and effective technique that uses a liquid sedative that your child will drink at the office before their treatment. Dr. Alison has experience using many different types of oral sedation medicines and will tailor the sedation medicine to your child and their needs. After it takes effect, they will feel groggy and sleepy. However, they are typically awake and are responsive to commands.

Your child cannot eat or drink anything after midnight the night before this type of sedation, and they may not go to school or any activities after this appointment. It takes a few hours for oral conscious sedation to wear off and may cause side effects like confusion, nausea, drowsiness, and a headache. A parent or legal guardian must bring the child to the appointment and must remain home with the child for the day to closely monitor them.

little girl drinking
boy preparing for surgery

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is a common treatment option for pediatric dental patients that are very young, have many teeth that need treatment or extractions, or if they are simply unable to tolerate dental treatment while they are awake.

This sedation allows your child to be completely asleep and comfortable throughout the appointment. Your child will not feel or remember anything about this appointment because they will be asleep in the same way they would for other surgeries. General Anesthesia is delivered at the hospital with an anesthesiologist present providing the sedation and our doctor completing the dental work. Having two doctors present allows us to accomplish all of your child’s dental treatment needs at one visit and ensures that your child is safe and comfortable.


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